07 May 2015

Only the Best: How to Hire a Contractor for Your Home

Remodeling your home can be quite a task, and if you have a serious project ahead of you it could take a few months or even up to a year. Even if you have a very small home remodeling project you’re likely looking at a few weeks to a month or more of work going on in and around your home. 

That’s why you need to hire the best possible contractor you can to do your work. Use this guide to help you find a local remodeling contractor that deserves your business and will do a wonderful job on your home. 

Always Conduct Interviews

After you have a few recommendations from friend and family or other professionals in the home business, you need to conduct interviews with the contractors you’re considering. How are you supposed to make a decision without actually talking to people in person, after all? 

The short answer is that you can’t and you shouldn’t. Make sure you talk about the timeframe for the job, the estimated cost and any licensing, bonding and insurance issues that may be concerning in your state. 

See Other Work

Any contractor worth hiring has definitely done other work in your area. That means that you should be able to see some of that work for yourself so you can gauge the contractor’s skill. 

At the very least any contractor worth their salt should be able to provide references to clients happy with their performance.

XO, Mish

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