Sweating in order to detoxify is one of the things many hard-driving professionals know they have to do daily in order to de-stress and remain healthy. Burning calories to reduce the amount of fat in their body is another. Unfortunately, many of them find it hard to squeeze in a trip to the gym or a morning walk around the block into their busy schedule. For weekend warriors needing to break out some serious sweat, one convenient, comfortable alternative – which can also allow them 30 minutes of precious shut-eye time – is the Thermogenic treatment in SvelT’i’s beauty and wellness center in Timog Avenue, Quezon City.
The experience is something similar to being in a steam room, with three crucial differences: the experience is private and individual, unlike the more socialized steam room which is designed to hold several people; and the patient can choose to relax and/or sleep while the machine steadily softens fats and makes them leave as sweat out through skin pores.

Dra. Lalaine Salazar, SvelT’i’s Medical Director, explains the science behind the machine, “Thermogenic emits into the patient’s body Far Infrared Rays or invisible waves of light that have the ability to penetrate our tissues, muscles, and bones. It can warm our body without heating the air. Unlike Ultraviolet light, Far Infrared Rays do not cause sunburn; nor do they damage the skin. With the absorption of the FIR deep into the cells, the body generates heat and stimulates the increase in energy consumption which triggers a boost in metabolic process. This will result to the breaking down of fat cells, cellulite, waste, and other forms of toxic substances in the body. Thermogenic can burn 600-800 kcal per treatment.”
Prior to undergoing the treatment, the patient also steps on a state-of-the-art weighing scale that within minutes lets her know her personal health-related information which allows the clinical specialists to determine the fatty areas that need reduction. This information includes the following: weight, body fat, hydration rate, body mass index, muscle mass, visceral fat, and metabolic age. Visceral fat can also indicate the amount of fat that may be wrapped around some of the patient’s physiological organs; the higher the amount of visceral fat, the greater the risk the patient has in developing medical conditions like hypertension.
“The metabolic rate also indicates the speed or slowness by which the patient burns calories in her body,” Dra. Salazar, continues. “Even if you are just in your thirties, but your metabolic rate is like that of a 50-year-old, then chances are you will tire easily and not produce the amount of energy you need for your daily activities. On the other hand, you may be 50 years old, but your metabolic rate is that of a twenty something, then chances are you have a lot of physical energy which makes you more active than people half your age.”
Thermogenic also speeds up a patient’s metabolic rate, which makes it a faster way to jumpstart your process in fat reduction and weight loss if you had been physically inactive for weeks or months. The first session will induce a significant amount of sweat; eight to ten sessions are recommended to see the results.
Thermogenic also improves the patient’s blood circulation, cellular oxygenation, and skin condition. It promotes relaxation and better sleep during her rest hours, while energizing your body during the day. Sessions are likewise best taken any time of the day.
To know more about SvelT’i’s Thermogenic, please inquire at (02)332-7546 / 09188-SVELTI (783584) or visit the clinic at 5F South Insula Condominium #61 Timog Avenue, Quezon City from Mondays to Fridays from 9am-6pm and Saturdays from 8am-1pm. You may also visit SvelT’i FB page at
www.facebook.com/sveltiph and IG account @SVELTI_PH.
XO, Mish